Brow Pre-care Instructions
• Do not consume any alcoholic beverages, or caffeine (coffee - even decaf, tea, energy drinks) or
smoke cigarettes for 48 hours prior. This will cause excessive bleeding during the procedure. If you
bleed, pigment implantation becomes less likely and much more difficult.
Please note that people that are in or near their menstrual cycle tend to bleed more than those
who are not. You will also be more sensitive to pain. Bleeding will reduce the pigment absorption as
blood will push out the ink. It can also slow down the healing process.
Avoid tanning 2 weeks prior to your appointment. Sunburnt skin (skin peeling or deep
redness on the forehead/brow area) will require rescheduling. Rescheduling within 72 hours of your
appointment may result in the forfeiture of your deposit. Clients that show up to their appointment
with sunburnt skin and cannot be taken that day will be responsible for the remaining balance.
Sunburnt skin cannot be tattooed for risk of poor healing and scarring to skin.
Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamins, fish oil, Advil, Ibuprofen or any blood thinner medication 72
hours before the procedure. (Please consult with your doctor before stopping any medication). This
will cause excessive bleeding during the procedure. If you bleed, pigment implantation becomes less
likely and much more difficult.
Exfoliate your brows one week prior to your appointment date for better pigment implantation.
Avoid Microdermabrasion, facials, Chemical Peels, alcohol in facial products, toners, Glycolic acid,
salicylic acid, AHAs, BHAs, Alpha Hydroxy Acids and Retinoids of any kind on your brows or near
your brows 2 weeks prior to your appointment and discontinue completely after your procedure. You
can still use these products on the rest of your face, but not on your brows. These products can
cause the pigments to fade prematurely and alter the color.
Do not work out 24 hours before your procedure.
No tinting your eyebrows for 4 weeks prior to your appointment.